66th Annual Spring Willa Cather Conference

66th Annual Spring Willa Cather Conference

National Willa Cather Center
June 3, 2021 to June 5, 2021

"Willa Cather and Popular Print Culture"

We eagerly anticipate gathering in Red Cloud for our 66th annual Willa Cather Spring Conference, where we will explore Willa Cather's work in relation to newspapers and magazines. As many know, Cather began her career at Pittsburgh's The Home Monthly and finished up her journalism career at the very popular McClure's Magazine. Afterward, she continued her magazine associations through numerous serializations of her work, publications of her short stories, and her ongoing relationships with many who were publishing, illustrating, and contributing to the most popular magazines of the day. Newspapers of the day were also important in driving her career! This rich and illuminating aspect of Cather's work is deserving of renewed attention, and we will be issuing a Call for Papers in late summer 2020 around these topics.

Details will be forthcoming, but we hope to see you there!